Saturday, January 24, 2009

Home work # 3 Guidelines

Color Theory & Design

Project #3

Color Wheel collage and Complimentary Color Value Scale

Objective:  Gain understanding of color relationships and tint and tone through color matching  and mixing.

Guidelines:  On a 8 inch by 8 inch piece of mat board recreate a 12 step Itten color wheel using cut-outs from magazines.  At least 3 different sources per color. Color matching is the highest priority.

On a 5 inch by 13 inch piece of mat board create a 3 tier, 9 step complimentary color value scale.  Color mix and paint on strathmore paper to desired value then cut out 1 inch squares of color and attach to board.  Steps should be of equal value.

Points: 100 (One color wheel, one value scale)

Due: 2/3