Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Presentaiton Guidelines!

Here are some more tips for the final pres!


On the final day of class you will be required to give a 3-5 minute presentation covering

your final design concept.

Here are some tips and guidelines to follow.

1. Is your presentation long enough to cover the minimum time requirements? Practice

your presentation, in front of the mirror or in front of a friend. Time yourself.

2. Does it cover the topic thoroughly or do you feel rushed? Practice your presentation

out loud to make sure it makes sense.

3. Your presentation should feel natural. Do not simply read from your statement. Occasionally

looking at your notes is okay.

4. Make sure your presentation material is up, turn to face the class and introduce

yourself and state the purpose of your presentation.

5. Speak at a volume that can be heard, especially in the back of the class.

6. Make eye contact with your audience. Avoid becoming fixated on one person.

7. Make sure your visual presentation material is not blocked from the audience.

8. Maintain a natural, unhurried, conversational style.

9. Handle mistakes with grace.

10. Stay with in your time limit.

11. Thank your audience and ask if they have any questions.

Remember these tips. 

Just think that you are standing in front of some industry executives, and this is your chance to

convince them that you should be their designer. Get plenty of sleep, water and food.

Wear something nice, you want to feel strong and confident. Your speeches will be

timed and must be under 5 minutes and over 3 minutes. Good Luck!!