Monday, December 8, 2008

ALERT: Projects moved!

Your projects have been moved to room 426.
Please to DO NOT retrieve your work during class time.
At lunch, before and after classes you will find your work in a box on top of the cabinet
behind the center column.

All of the grades have NOT been recorded so please

Also I will be asking some of you to leave your work with me
over the break so it can be scanned and sent to LA.

If you would like to know your grades for individual projects email
me a request!

If you do not find all of your work in your envelope it is currently being documented
because it was of exceptionally high quality. Congrats!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Artist Essay and Photomontage guidelines

Assignments 5 & 6

Guidelines #5


After exploring the art of photomontage, create a unique composition that includes at least 5 separate photographic elements.

1. one element must be out of scale, and will act as the focal point of the compostion.
2. one to three elements will make up the background, ground, surroundings. to add visual interest to your project.
3. an additional element will be incorporated into your project as a surprise. Something unexpected and unusual and out of place.

Mount your collage on matboard, measuring at least 8" by 8".
Include a short statement addressing how you've created emphasis in your composition and what the 5 photo elements are.

Due 11/21

100 points

Guidelines Artist Essay

Assignment #6

Return to 49 Geary to find a work of art on which to write a 2 page response. The paper should describe and analyze the artwork in the context to color theory and design.

Questions to answer in your essay:

Who is the artist?

In what gallery is it being exhibited?

What does the work of art look like?

Identify and explain how the artwork is unified and balanced.

Identify the color scheme and textures and explain how these characteristics contribute to the effectiveness of the artwork as a whole.

How does the work of art make you feel? And what aspects of the art work contribute to that feeling?

What do you think the artist is trying to express in the work? Explain.

Remember to consult your vocabulary list and use language appropriate to art and design.

Due 12/5

Points 100

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thumbnails defined

Thumbnail sketches are very small and rough sketches outlining the elements in a proposed composition.
They can be done in pencil, with marker, paint, or collage.  Whatever you choose to use, it should be quick and
easy.  Below are some thumbnails for various projects by designers and illustrators.
thumbnails are the first opportunity a designer has to see the outline of the design.  These little sketches
are experiments, undeveloped ideas. Once you get the idea out of your head and onto the paper, you can start making changes and decisions.  

Think about the essential shapes of the design, the positive and negative shapes, and other principles and elements of design. Make quick notes around your sketches to remind you of details.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Project #4 Guidelines

Color and Design
Project #4
Color Wheel Redux

Objective:  Design a balanced, unified composition using only the colors in the Itten color wheel.   

Guidelines:  Create swatches of every color on the Itten. Make sure to make enough of each color so that you have extra, a swatch measuring approximately 4” by 4” inches should suffice. This will allow you to use color to create Unity.

Once you’ve created and painted all your hues (colors), do some research. Look for resource material, images and designs that inspire you.  There are images on our blog, and art recourses on the web like,,, etc.  Also there are books in the library, like Vitamin P or Vitamin D, anthologies of contemporary painting and drawing, plus books on specific artists and artistic movements, that should provide plenty of inspiration.

After you have gathered 3 inspiration images, begin drawing thumbnails, little idea sketches, illustrating what your design might look like.  Work fast, don’t over-think this part of the process. Come to class next week with your 6 thumbnail sketches, 3 inspiration images and you completed color swatches.

A week from next friday, bring your completed design, mounted on 8” x 8” mat board, properly labeled,  plus a typed statement explaining how your design reflects Unity and Balance.  Please, from now on, cover your designs with tissue paper to protect it.  You may use a small piece of drafting/masking tape to secure the tissue or tracing paper to the back of your project.

Due 11/07:  Completed color wheel swatches (12), 3 inspiration images, 6 thumbnail sketches.

Due 11/14: Completed design with statement explaining how the design reflects Balance and Unity, properly labeled and covered in tracing paper.

Project points:  150

Art by NY/SF artist Xylor Jane

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Collage Wheel (mini)

Sample below of collage wheel project.
This is a small version.  Please refer to project description.
The size requirements are to use a 8" by 8" piece of mat board.

This project sample is actually in process.  The collage elements are not 
yet glued down.  Be careful to glue your pieces down completely 
and use your rubber cement pick-up to clean off extra glue once it has dried. 
 It really works!

Color matching is the main concern with this project 
and as always, professionalism.
Feel free to be creative within the circular format. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ALERT: HW#3 deadline extended value scale only!

There is so much more to learn about value, complimentary colors, and tint and hue.
Therefore I will extend the deadline for the value scale so we can work on it in class friday.

All that is due friday is the 12 part color wheel collage based on the Itten Color Wheel pictured below.

If one of you is itching to get ahead on the value scale only do the top and bottom rows.
DO NOT DO the Center ROW as described in the handout.  The instructions have changed.

We will do the center row together in class friday.  
For those of you too curious to wait the NEW directions for the center row are as follows:

The center row will consist of gradations of complimentary colors.  NO White or Black paint is to be used in the center rows.  In the center of the middle row is an equal mix of your complimentary colors.  As you go to the left you will add increasing amounts of blue.  As you move to the right you will add increasing amounts of orange.

Please bring your paints to class Friday so we can complete the project together.  The next homework assignment is a two week project so you can look forward to a little breather.

Due Oct. 31st:  12 part color wheel collage based on Itten

Sunday, October 19, 2008

home work #2 TIP

Making 10 different values of grey was a challenge. But guess what...Design is HARD.
If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.


Compose your compositions on mat board before you cut it.
Once you have have glue it up, cut it to size.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Line and shape

Line is the most elemental component of design. Lines come together the form a shape and shapes combine to create complex forms.

There are many different kinds fo lines.  Lines can express different ideas and feelings.









Thursday, October 16, 2008

Supplies for Friday

Bring to class the following supplies.

paints (particularly white and black)
Strathmore sketch pad
Palette (for mixing paint)
scissors or mat knife
2 cups for water

We will start mixing paints friday to develop a 12 step value scale.
Then we will develop 2 original designs illustrating design principles of Unity and Balance along with design elements line and shape.   FUN!