Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ALERT: HW#3 deadline extended value scale only!

There is so much more to learn about value, complimentary colors, and tint and hue.
Therefore I will extend the deadline for the value scale so we can work on it in class friday.

All that is due friday is the 12 part color wheel collage based on the Itten Color Wheel pictured below.

If one of you is itching to get ahead on the value scale only do the top and bottom rows.
DO NOT DO the Center ROW as described in the handout.  The instructions have changed.

We will do the center row together in class friday.  
For those of you too curious to wait the NEW directions for the center row are as follows:

The center row will consist of gradations of complimentary colors.  NO White or Black paint is to be used in the center rows.  In the center of the middle row is an equal mix of your complimentary colors.  As you go to the left you will add increasing amounts of blue.  As you move to the right you will add increasing amounts of orange.

Please bring your paints to class Friday so we can complete the project together.  The next homework assignment is a two week project so you can look forward to a little breather.

Due Oct. 31st:  12 part color wheel collage based on Itten