Thursday, October 30, 2008

Project #4 Guidelines

Color and Design
Project #4
Color Wheel Redux

Objective:  Design a balanced, unified composition using only the colors in the Itten color wheel.   

Guidelines:  Create swatches of every color on the Itten. Make sure to make enough of each color so that you have extra, a swatch measuring approximately 4” by 4” inches should suffice. This will allow you to use color to create Unity.

Once you’ve created and painted all your hues (colors), do some research. Look for resource material, images and designs that inspire you.  There are images on our blog, and art recourses on the web like,,, etc.  Also there are books in the library, like Vitamin P or Vitamin D, anthologies of contemporary painting and drawing, plus books on specific artists and artistic movements, that should provide plenty of inspiration.

After you have gathered 3 inspiration images, begin drawing thumbnails, little idea sketches, illustrating what your design might look like.  Work fast, don’t over-think this part of the process. Come to class next week with your 6 thumbnail sketches, 3 inspiration images and you completed color swatches.

A week from next friday, bring your completed design, mounted on 8” x 8” mat board, properly labeled,  plus a typed statement explaining how your design reflects Unity and Balance.  Please, from now on, cover your designs with tissue paper to protect it.  You may use a small piece of drafting/masking tape to secure the tissue or tracing paper to the back of your project.

Due 11/07:  Completed color wheel swatches (12), 3 inspiration images, 6 thumbnail sketches.

Due 11/14: Completed design with statement explaining how the design reflects Balance and Unity, properly labeled and covered in tracing paper.

Project points:  150

Art by NY/SF artist Xylor Jane