Thursday, July 9, 2009

Welcome: Color and Design Course Outline


Summer 2009  

Instructor: Sasha Petrenko


Course Objective:   This course will examine the principles of color theory and design. Students will gain an understanding of  color relationships, as well as learn to identify, and analyze the principles and elements of design.  Students will utilize these theories and principles in the creation of their own unique designs.  This class involves creative hands-on activities.  Water based paints, rubber cement and mat knives will be used frequently to complete assignments.  PARTICIPATION IS IMPORTANT.

Textbook:  Design Basics by David A. Lauer & Stephen Pentak

Methods of Instruction:  Lecture, demonstrations, visuals, museum visits, discussion, studio time, critiques

Assessment Methods:  Studio projects, Museum/Gallery Report, Pop Quizzes, Final project

Learning Outcomes

1. Acquire knowledge and vocabulary of the color wheel and the visible light spectrum.

2. Understand the three characteristics of color: hue, value, and intensity.

3. Formulate a range of color schemes.

4. Identify and apply the elements and principles of design.

5. Display professional, designer-level craftsmanship.

Assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise specified; NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.

2 assignments, completed and turned in on time, may be resubmitted.  Resubmission does NOT guarantee additional points.   Final 2 assignments can not be resubmitted.

Deadline for resubmital will be announced.


At the end of class you are expected to clean your workspace before leaving.

Students will need to furnish a pair of scissors, a cup to hold water, and a small glue gun and glue sticks.  Additional materials may be required.

Projects will be graded on the following criteria: 

Ability to adhere to project requirements, Comprehension and demonstration of discussed  Principles and Elements of Design, development of technical skills, creative solutions to design problems, and professional presentation.

All projects will include a title page that identifies the project, student name, and date of submission. ust be labeled with the students name, date, class and assignment typed or printed by computer on a seperate sheet of white paper and mounted  to the back of the presentation.

Evaluation of student learning

Project #1   3 Positive and negative space compositions   50 PTS

Project #2   Grey value study   50 PTS    

Project #3   Color Wheel Redux    100 PTS

Project #4   Complimentary color value study 100 PTS

Project #5   Multiples project (color scheme studies) 200 PTS

Project # 6  Gallery/Museum visit Essay*  100

Final Design Problem TBA  250 PTS

Final Exam       50 PTS

POP Quiz (5)   100 PTS (20 each) covering assigned reading 

Total possible points:  1000 

*Take a field trip to a museum or gallery (approved venues to be provided) and choose an artist   to Conduct additional research if needed so that you have identified 2 works of art by the same artist on which to write a 2 page essay. Analyzing each piece in terms of color theory and design.  Describe the concepts of color and design are utilized to produce a memorable and meaningful work of art.  Include vital information and images (if possible), a brief biography of the artist, plus a bibliography.  

SCHEDULE (Subject to Change)

week 1

Objective: Observe color and design principles in action.  Intro course outline, objectives, assignments.

Demo/Lecture:  Basic presentation techniques.  Positive and negative space, line, shape, unity.

Activity: Field trip to select windows around Union Square.  

Fill out corresponding worksheet and discuss window displays, design, color schemes.  

Homework:  Applying basic design principles to create 3 positive and negative space compositions.

Reading:  Chapters 2, 5, 7.

week 2 

Objective:  Gain understanding of the value scale and how it can be used for emphasis, 

contrast and emotional response in design.  Introduction to 1-point perspective.

Demo/Lecture:  Mixing the value scale.  Emphasis, focal point, and 1-point perspective.

Activity:  Slide lecture.  Begin project #2 gradation value scale and shading cube study assigned.

Homework:  complete gradation scale and cube study.

Reading:  Chapters 3, 6, 12. 

Bring black, white paint, paper, palette, palette knife, brushes.

week 3

Objective: Explore color theory and color relationships.

Demo/Lecture: Color interactions, color mixing.  Scale, symmetry, balance, emphasis, rhythm.

Activity:  Begin project #3, color wheel redux collecting printed matter from magazines

as inspiration for design. 

Homework:  Color wheel redux plus inspiration page.

Reading:  Chapters 4, 13.

Bring to class colored paper, X-acto, rubber cement, scissors, illustration board.

week 4

Objective:  Become familiar with color mixing and the effects of various color schemes.  

Combine principles of design w/color theory.

Demo/Lecture:  Color mixing with wet media.  Hue, Value and intensity in color.

Activity:  Mini Critique of thumbnails. Practice color mixing.  

Determine design for Color Wheel Redux. and start on thumbnails for project proposal.

Homework:  Complimentary color study.

Reading:  Chapters 8,9.

Bring to class all paints, Strathmore paper, and related supplies.

week 5

Objectives:   Explore effects and relationships of color.

Activity: Visit 49 Geary and explore galleries to find artist/artwork for Museum essay.

Demo/Lecture: What should one keep in mind when writing about art.

Homework:  Begin found object color scheme triptych.

Reading:  Chapters 10, 11.

Bring to class illustration board, glue guns, X-acto.

week 6

Objectives: Continue working on found object triptych, introduce final project.

Activity:  Review elements and principles of design.  Visit swatch room in library to begin color/material matching project.

Demo/Lecture:  Color and Balance, color schemes, texture and pattern.

Homework:    Complete found object triptychs.  Determine topic for Museum Essay.

week 7

Objective: Introduce final project.

Demo/Lecture:  The grid, graphic design and the arts.

Activity: Critique Triptychs, research final project.

Homework:  Museum essay rough draft due.  

week 8

Objective: Explore the use of design in contemporary fine and graphic art.

Activity:  Examine CD art, product development, marketing to identify design principles and use of color.

Continue work on final project. 

Demo/Lecture:  Design in Photography, fine art, fashion.  

Homework:  Review for final quiz.  Complete final draft essay.

week 9

Objective: Present final project proposals for peer review.

Activity:  Final quiz. Critique final project drafts.

Lecture/Demo:  Presentation options for final project.  

Homework:  Museum essay Narrative/Mock ups of final projects due at beginning of class.

week 10

Final Project presentations.

Class over!  Enjoy.