Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Assignment #2!!!

   Homework #2

3 parts!

1.  First create a grey scale consisting of 9 equal value steps from white to black.
     Mix and paint 7 values of grey.  Paint swatches onto your strathmore drawing paper.
     Once you have created 7 values of grey ranging from the lightest to the darkest grey
     measure and cut 1 x 1 inch squares from each swatch.  Then add the 7 swatches along with one white and one black to  a 4 x 12 inch piece of illustration board, for a total of 9 equal steps from black to white.

2.  Next create a color value scale consisting of 9 equal steps, this time with one primary color of your choice, plus white and black.  The center 1 x 1 inch square will be your pure primary color.  (Consult your text book's glossary for an explanation of primary colors) Then to the left of your central square add increasing amounts of white until you end with the lightest (blue, yellow or red!).  To the right of your central square, add increasing amounts of black, ending with the darkest, midnight shade of your primary color.  Measure and cut 1 x 1 inch squares from each swatch and apply to a 4 x 12 inch piece of illustration board.

3.  Finally create a 8 x 10 inch composition based on a Grid system (on strathmore paper), using only horizontal, vertical, and optional diagonal lines, trying to achieve balance, unity and rhythm.  See above image for inspiration.  You may only use the colors from your 2 value scales, white, black and one primary color for your Grid based composition.  The composition above was created using only yellow, white and black.  

Remember to label your projects properly.
Do your reading to prepare for the pop quiz!
good luck.