Thursday, July 30, 2009

Homework #4

Homework #4

Complimentary color tonal scale and 2-Point Perspective study

Using one pair of complimentary colors, specifically one primary color and one secondary color,
create a 7 step tonal scale on your strathmore paper, similar to the one above, however your scale
will include 2 more tones
. Use no black or white. Use only one primary and it's compliment for the
entire assignment.

1. First square will contain one of the complimentary colors, in it's purest form.
2. Second square will contain the previous color plus a little of its compliment.
3. third square includes original color with a little more of it's compliment.
4. the center square will represent a tone exactly in the middle of your two compliments. This is known as
a NEUTRAL tone.
5. The 5th color will be more of the opposite compliment.
6. Increasingly more of the opposite compliment.
7. Finally your opposite compliment in its purest form.

Once this is done, on a separate piece of paper create a composition illustrating 2-point perspective,
consisting of 3-5 cubes, placed above and below the horizon line.

Use your warmer compliment as the local color for your cubes and your cooler compliment as the dominant color
of the back ground. The background must be at minimum, 2 toned, but you may design a more interesting and
elaborate backdrop if you wish.

To complete your cubes, choose an imaginary light source and shade your cubes using the 2 complimentary colors only.
For example, if your cubes are yellow, add a drop or two of violet (purple) to some yellow to create a tone of yellow
appropriate to the amount of light. Each visible side of the cube will have a different value depending on the single light
source and the objects' relationship to it.
Refer to your tonal scale for potential tones.

Composition should measure 8 x 10 inches.
Glue your finished composition to board and trim.
Value scale will be checked by instructor but not
submitted. It is meant to be a color reference, like your color wheel.

Remember to label and cover your project.

Due 8/13
100 points