Project 1: Positive and Negative Space
Objective: Use design skills to explore the abstraction of an object and the effects of positive and negative space.
Cleanly cut 3 pieces of mat board measuring 6” by 6”. Cut 3 pieces of paper measuring 3” by 3”. Cutting only from the edges of a 3” by 3” paper square create unique and interesting designs using positive and negative space. Once you have cut a shape, invert it. Shapes may be cut into as desired. Once the shapes have been cut, glue the expanded square to a 6” by 6” square of mat board. Some designs will not work in this context. Learn to work in the space provided to create an appealing and unique design. You should submit 3 different designs.
Points possible: (3) 50 pts.
Project due: 7/16
*REMEMBER TO LABEL YOUR ASSIGNMENTS PROPERLY. For next class bring black and white paint, palette, palette knife, Strathmore paper.